Relevant Data and AI enable the possible college & career pathways; network supports your journeys & professional connections ignite aspirations, thus building the bridging high school students and the future of work.

dabbL empowers students to own what's next.

Personalized AI-Powered Career and College Guidance

for ALL Students

Dream Big. Achieve with Confidence.

Your AI Guide

Using the power of AI, dabbL builds a holistic career plan tailored to your interests, achievements, and extracurriculars. That means we’ll help you decide what classes to take next year and what extracurricular and summer activities to sign up for.

Taking it further, we recommend personalized and "fit"-based majors, careers, and college programs arming you for career success!

Your Professional Network

Build your professional network. Establish your brand.

dabbL is designed specifically for students to enhance their professional networking experience. With dabbL, students can effortlessly connect with peers and seniors who graduated from their schools. They can also find mentors who can provide valuable guidance and support throughout their academic and professional journey.

Additionally, students can follow colleges and companies, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future career path.

Whether you are looking to connect with like-minded individuals, explore new opportunities, gain knowledge, or share your own experiences, dabbL offers a comprehensive platform to fulfill all these needs. Start connecting, exploring, learning, and sharing on dabbL today!

Learn Hands On

Go hands-on! dabbL enables you to gain real-world experience by suggesting personalized work-based learning opportunities, like internships, research programs, volunteering, and more.

Start your career journey with conviction and confidence.


Every student's school and career development co-pilot at their fingertips

AI-powered dabbL provides personalized guidance and recommendations, taking into account grades, coursework, and extracurricular activities. With dabbL, students create their professional network, find internships, and connect with mentors, colleges and companies.

Unlock Your Potential