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1. What is the importance of high school guidance counseling?
High school guidance counseling helps students explore colleges, majors, and career options, providing a roadmap for their future.

2. How can dabbL assist in college selection?

dabbL recommends fit-based college recommendations tailored for the careers and majors of choice of interest for each student user. It also offers a social network platform and a community for students to connect with peers, mentors, and counselors to gain insights into colleges and make informed decisions.

3. What is the role of majors in college education?

Majors define a student's area of specialization, guiding them towards a career path aligned with their interests and goals.

4. How does experiential learning benefit students?

Experiential learning offers hands-on experiences that complement theoretical knowledge, enhancing students' skills and preparing them for real-world challenges. This enables students to explore a wide range of summer programs, volunteer activities, internships and workshops that can help pave the way for professional success

5. Why is creating a roadmap important for academic success?

A roadmap helps students set goals, track progress, and stay organized throughout their academic journey, promoting consistency and success.

6. How does dabbL's social network help with career development?

dabbL's social network is a great way for student users to connect with high school seniors who have recently graduated, peers who are going through the college decision making process, mentors from colleges that students are considering, and professionals who have recently joined the workforce after college graduation. Building a strong professional network is key to future advancement.

7. What resources does dabbL provide for exploring colleges?
dabbL offers tools for researching colleges, comparing programs, and accessing information on admissions criteria, tuition fees, and campus life.

8. How can high school guidance counseling enhance a student's self-awareness?
Guidance counseling helps students discover their strengths, interests, and values, empowering them to make informed decisions about their education and career.

9. What role does networking play in career development?
Networking allows individuals to build connections, gain valuable insights, and access opportunities that can accelerate their career growth and success.

10. In what ways can I benefit from dabbL's guidance counseling services?
dabbL's guidance counseling services provide personalized support, resources, and guidance to help students navigate the complexities of high school education and prepare for college and career success.

11. How can I get help with navigating the app?
Email us at for any issues with the app. If you want to delete your account, please specify a reason why you are deleting your account in the email.