
Empower your students with dabbL's AI tools. Track exploration, schedule meetings, and generate personalized letters of recommendation.

College Counselor Empowered

From App Download to Your Personalize Recommendations in under 5 mins!

Connect With Your Students

It takes mere seconds for you to connect with your students on the app. One simple step, and you are now connected

Guide Students Effectively

Their journey is incomplete without you Students explore careers and colleges on their own, but you can track their exploration and guide them.

Communicate and Schedule

Link your calendar and make it easy for students to schedule time with you. With the seamless in-app communication, the in-person time is that much more effective!

Letters of Recommendation

Use dabbL's AI-generated letters of recommendation. Use all of a student's profile information aka brag sheet to compose a personalized letter of recommendation.

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College Explored
Careers Explored
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What dabbLers are saying

“Roadmaps take so much of our time. We would love the roadmaps for our students.”

Guidance Counselor

“The (guidance) problem exists.. I have been thinking of solutions, you built what I wanted”

Independent Counselor