man standing behind flat screen computer monitor

About Us

At dabbL, we believe everyone deserves a clear path to success. Our mission is to empower students own their career journey with confidence. Own what's next.

As mothers of high schoolers, we've been through the ups and downs of getting kids ready for college. Even with many resources, the ride was tough and stressful mostly due to the lack of personalized guidance.

The very high student to counselor ratio in high schools, added to that the staggeringly high price tags of independent counselors, how do students find the right guidance for their future? The technologist in us started pointing to how we have solved large scale challenges in the past - using cutting edge technology, data and AI, to offer guidance that is relevant, affordable and always available.

Our Journey

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall

Student Centric Design

Always Available

Affordable and Inclusive

dabbL recognizes that students are unique individuals with different learning styles, preferences, and backgrounds. We focus on tailored experiences catering to the diverse needs .

Student centric design emphasizes the importance of personalized learning, where students have the autonomy to explore topics of interest and set their own learning goals. By prioritizing the students' perspectives, interests, and abilities, this approach aims to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment that promotes student success and enhances their overall learning experience

AI-powered guide available to students 24/7 thus eliminating the need to find time or schedule appointments

Mobile and web app accessible to everyone regardless of grades and GPA. With dabbL's freemium offering, students can conveniently access a wide range of features and services any time of the day. Our affordable app allows everyone access to personalized guidance thus enabling success.

Our Principles

Co-Founder / CEO

Co-Founder / CTO

Meet the dabbLers

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